Monster Maze Graphics Module

Ball Collector (Peggle-Like)

Autumn 2023

In this project, I aimed to practice my Unity skills to create a small but finished game and generate a build for mobile. I made use of Unity's iOS app, which can stream mobile builds to a phone for testing touch controls and resolution scaling.


Key Features

Challenges, solutions and lessons learnt

The main challenge was the physics between the bucket and the falling balls because I couldn't rely solely on the default rigidbody physics. This was because I wanted the balls to move along a fixed sine wave path, while rigidbody physics is based on applied forces. To achieve my final result, I made the bucket use regular rigidbody physics, but it mimicked the desired sine wave movement. I achieved this by tracking the desired sine wave position over time and accelerating the bucket towards that point. To achieve the desired result below, it required a lot of testing with different parameters to maintain smooth movement resembling a sine wave without applying too much force that would send colliding balls flying.

Embedded Game